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Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 06 Date 12.04.2024**

What has been achieved We have managed to get most of the features working, we now have improved colors for colorblind people, dark mode is working, enabled the feature to favourite lam stations, and the user login is working in the frontend for now, branding has also been switched. Whole demo day page is also done and ready for visitors.

Do we have a problems/challenges? Nothing major this week.

Next steps Start writing personal learning diaries, the team report and finishing last features. Demo day next monday!

Status of sprint 05 Date 05.04.2024**

What has been achieved We got the first feature dark mode working, also managed to get testing running.

Do we have a problems/challenges? Issues with Tukko itself, loads of work to get it running correctly, now almost fine.

Next steps We are preparing for demo day now.

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.03.2024**

What has been achieved Not much since monday, we made the powerpoint to show our teams progress.

Do we have a problems/challenges? We still have problems with feature 102, we cant get the backend to work correctly, thus cant create secure user accounts. Deadline for the feature was today but we are forced to extend it, njet problem normal katastrof :)

Next steps Try to get something to present for the demo day.

Status of sprint 04 Date 15.03.2024**

What has been achieved Tukko fully operational in cPouta, started working on first features. Current feature:Securely authenticate user accounts.

Do we have a problems/challenges? Problems with the Tukko backend, maybe in worktime reporting(?)

Next steps Finish the first feature and get Tukko backend working first.

Status of sprint 02 Date 22.02.2024**

What has been achieved We have been working on getting all documents ready and getting ready to present the offer to product owner.

Do we have a problems/challenges? A bit of missunderstanding in DOD

Next steps Prepare to present the offer to the product owner and start working on the funtionalities of the software

Status of sprint 02 Date 16.02.2024**

What has been achieved We've been working on the documents and finishing them up for next week.

Do we have a problems/challenges? No problems

Next steps Finalize the documents and get ready to present them.

Status of sprint 01 Date 09.02.2024**

What has been achieved We managed to get tukko running on our csc platform, also managed to start the project plan. We finished learning about agile developement and all around studied the project.

Do we have a problems/challenges? No problems

Next steps Prepare for next sprint.

Status of sprint 01 Date 05.02.2024**

What has been achieved We started to work on requirements specification, project plan and communication plan, they are coming well along. We are also studying docker, and getting the tukko service running on our platform.

Do we have a problems/challenges? No problems

Next steps Get the tukko service running, finish project plan and requirements specification.

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.01.2024**

What has been achieved So we got to know our assignment, Jukka made the CSC platform with virtual machines. Currently we are just studying about our customer. All issues have been assigned and are being worked on. Goal is to finish them still today.

Do we have a problems/challenges? Only problem was that gitlab wasnt working for a bit, its all fine now so we can get back to work.

Next steps Reviewing the tickets and closing them, then we just study and wait for next week!

Status of sprint 00 Date 19.01.2024**

What has been achieved We assigned issues to team members, made a mural for the team. We started to work on both pages, adding the team introduction, adding issues and backlog. Also formed a issue board. Managed to name Timi as team leader and Otso as administrator. Our team name is Innovateforge solutions.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems!

Next steps

I have no clue, waiting for instructions.