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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan
Author: Eetu Savolainen
Version: 1.0
Date: 29.01.2024
RISK ID Description Severity Responsibility Measures in the event of risk
RISK01 Team member is sick S4 Team member Inform team members and other relevant parties
RISK02 Team member leaves the project S2 Team leader Call for a team meeting and asses the situation and redistribute responsibilities
RISK03 Incomplete or inadequate documentation S4 Team member Recall proper documentation standards and conduct knowledge transfer sessions
RISK04 Ineffective communication within the team S4 Team leader Promote more frequent team engagement and communication
RISK05 Incompatibility issues between different software versions S3 Developer/Tester Test compatibility thoroughly, keep track of software versions
RISK06 Security vulnerability S2 Security Conduct security audits and follow recommended practices
RISK07 Unforeseen technical challenges S3 Team member Report the issue to team members or other relevant parties
RISK08 Equipment failure S3 Team member Inform team members and formulate a contingency plan to ensure the continuation of the project work
RISK09 Insufficient testing and quality assurance S2 Tester Review the testing process and enhance it by conducting comprehensive testing at every stage
RISK10 Changes in project requirements or objectives S3 Team leader Conduct impact analysis, communicate with stakeholders to further clarify requirements and adjust project plan accordingly

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Significant impact on the project, action required
S3 Moderate impact, may slow down progess and require action
S4 Minor impact, doesn't jeopardize progress
S5 No immediate effect on project progress, to be observed