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Test Case description Save favorite LAM stations to user account
Test Case ID TC103-001
Author Eetu Savolainen
Date of creation 19.02.2024
Class Functional

Test description / objective

This test aims to verify that users can save their favorite LAM stations to their user account. It ensures that the system correctly handles the saving process, allowing users to access their preferred LAM stations conveniently.

Test pre-state

  • Ensure that a user is logged into their account and that there are LAM stations available for selection.

Test steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Navigate to the LAM stations within the application The application shows different LAM stations
2 Select one or more LAM stations on the map to be saved as favorites The user can select one or more LAM stations from the map
3 Find and click on the "Save as Favorite" or equivalent button/icon associated with each selected LAM station When the user saves a LAM station, the system saves it to the user's account as a favorite

To be taken into account during test

  • Verify that the "Save as Favorite" button or equivalent feature is visible and accessible.
  • Test the ability to save multiple LAM stations as favorites simultaneously.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:

    • If users can successfully save their favorite LAM stations to their user account and access them later without any issues, the test is considered to have passed.
  • FAIL condition:

    • If users encounter errors or inconsistencies during the saving process, or if they cannot access their saved LAM stations later, the test is considered to have failed.