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Test Case description Validate dark mode color scheme
Test Case ID TC106-001
Author Eetu Savolainen
Date of creation 19.02.2024
Class Non-functional

Test description / objective

This test aims to validate the implementation of the dark mode color scheme in the application. It ensures that the colors used in dark mode provide optimal visibility and readability for users.

Test pre-state

  • Ensure that the application supports dark mode and that users can switch between light and dark modes.

Test steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Enable dark mode Dark mode is successfully activated
2 Navigate through different sections of the application interface, including menus, buttons, text fields, and other UI elements All UI elements are visible and distinguishable against the dark background
3 Verify the visibility and readability of text and UI elements against the dark background Text and UI elements exhibit optimal visibility and readability against the dark background
4 Check for any inconsistencies or issues with color contrast that may affect user experience There are no color contrast issues or inconsistencies that hinder the usability of the application in dark mode

To be taken into account during test

  • Verify that the color contrast between text and background meets accessibility standards.
  • Test different states of buttons (default, hover, active) in dark mode

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:

    • If the dark mode color scheme provides optimal visibility and readability, with no issues in color contrast or button states, the test is considered to have passed.
  • FAIL condition:

    • If there are inconsistencies or usability issues in the dark mode color scheme, such as poor contrast or unclear button states, the test is considered to have failed.