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Test Case description Validate usability across various display configurations
Test Case ID TC110-002
Author Eetu Savolainen
Date of creation 19.02.2024
Class Non-functional

Test description / objective

This test aims to validate the usability of color contrast enhancements across different device resolutions and screen sizes. It ensures that the adjustments made to the color contrast maintain consistency and effectiveness across various display configurations.

Test pre-state

  • Ensure access to devices with different resolutions and screen sizes for testing purposes.

Test steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Access the application interface using devices with different resolutions and screen sizes The application interface is accessible on various devices with different resolutions and screen sizes
2 Navigate to different sections of the application interface containing UI elements with color contrast enhancements UI elements with color contrast enhancements are identified in different sections of the application interface
3 Evaluate the visibility and clarity of UI elements across different devices and screen sizes UI elements remain visible and clear across all tested devices and screen sizes, ensuring consistency and readability

To be taken into account during test

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of color contrast enhancements on different devices and screen sizes

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:

    • If the color contrast enhancements maintain consistency and effectiveness in improving usability across different devices and screen sizes, the test is considered to have passed.
  • FAIL condition:

    • If the color enhancements result in usability issues or inconsistencies across tested devices and screen sizes, the test is considered to have failed.