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Test Case description Update the branding to both the team's and JAMK's branding
Test Case ID TC112-001
Author Eetu Savolainen
Date of creation 05.04.2024
Class Non-functional

Test description / objective

This test verifies the use and implementation of InnovateForge Solutions' and Jamk's branding.

Test pre-state

  • Ensure that the application is ready for testing.

Test steps

Step No. Step Description
1 Open Tukko
2 Identify UI elements that use branding
3 Verify that InnovateForge Solutions' and Jamk's branding is implemented
4 Verify that branding elements are visible and remain consistent

To be taken into account during test

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:

    • If the branding changes are implemented and are visually appealing.
  • FAIL condition:

    • If the branding changes are not implemented or they are implemented incorrectly.