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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Eetu Savolainen
Version: 1.1
Date: 05.04.2024

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to outline the testing strategy, objectives, and scope for the software development project Tukko. Tukko is an open source service called "Tukko - Traffic Visualizer". The service aims to provide users with an efficient platform for gathering real-time traffic data, displaying various data visualizations on a map interface.

2. Test Objectives

  • Verify the functionality and performance of the Tukko software.
  • Validate that the software meets the specified requirements.
  • Ensure the reliability, usability, and security of the system.
  • Identify and mitigate any defects or issues in the software.

3. Test Items

  • User interface components
  • Database functionality
  • Security features and user management

4. Features to be Tested

Feature Priority Tested
FEA102 - Secure user authentication P1 No
FEA103 - Saving LAM stations to user accounts P1 No
FEA106 - Dark mode color improvement P1 No
FEA110 - Color contrast enhancement P1 No

5. Features not to be Tested

Feature Priority
FEA516 - Manual testing P1
FEA517 - Maintainable documentation P1
FEA112 - Branding change P1

6. Approach

The overall approach to testing will involve:

  • Unit testing: Test individual software components or modules, conducted by the developers
  • Integration testing: Verifying the interaction between different modules and components.
  • System testing: Validating the entire system's functionality as a whole.
  • Acceptance testing: Ensure that the feature meets the predefined acceptance criteria.

7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Each software item will be considered passed if it successfully completes all test steps and produces the expected results.

8. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Testing activities will be suspended under the following circumstances:

  • The feature is not implemented.
  • The feature is incomplete or unfinished, failing to meet the specified requirements.
  • The feature contains vulnerabilities that could compromise application security.
  • The feature lacks visual design or accessibility.
  • The feature breaks or displays incorrect behavior.

Testing activities can resume once the following conditions are met:

  • Ensuring that all missing features are fully implemented according to the specified requirements.
  • Verifying that the incomplete or unfinished features have been finalized and meet the required standards.
  • Addressing and resolving any identified vulnerabilities to ensure application security.
  • Enhancing visual design and accessibility features.
  • Correcting any instances where the feature breaks or displays incorrect behavior to ensure functionality is restored to the expected level.

9. Test Deliverables

Test plan documents, test cases, test reports, and defect logs will be delivered as part of the testing process.

10. Testing Tasks

Tasks include test planning, test case development, test execution and reporting.

11. Environmental Needs

Testing requires access to development and testing environments with specified hardware and software configurations.

12. Responsibilities

  • Developer: Ensures software is testable and provides necessary support during testing.
  • Tester: Develops test cases, executes tests, and reports defects.
  • Operations: Manages deployment and ensures the stability and performance of the testing environment.
  • Project manager: Oversees testing activities and ensures alignment with project objectives.

13. Staffing and Training Needs


14. Schedule

Testing activities will be conducted concurrently with development is in accordance with the project plan. Refer to the project plan for the detailed schedule.

15. Risks and Contingencies


16. Approvals
