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Welcome to Demo Day!

We are InnovateForge Solutions and this is our Tukko 1.1 Demo

About our assignment

Our assignment has been to improve Tukko, a traffic vizualiser created originally by IoTitude team led by Reima Parviainen with WIMMA Lab. Our main focus has been trying to improve the usability of the service.

What have we been developing?

Feature number Feature User story User Story description Status of the feature
Fea517 Maintainable documentation US61 As a team member I want to have maintainable document In progress
Fea102 Securely authenticate user accounts US004, US 002 As a customer I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts. In progress
Fea106 Improve dark mode colours US045 As a user, I want the dark mode colors to not pop out as much. Done
Fea516 Manual testing US60 As a product owner I want the testing to include exploratory testing In progress
Fea103 Save favourite LAM stations to user account US005 As a user, I want to save some favourite LAM stations to my account. In Progress
Fea110 Enchance color contrast for color blindness US046 As a user with color blindness, I want the web app to have sufficient color contrast between text and background elements, so that, I can easily read and understand the content. Done
Fea112 Change branding to team and JAMK US062 As a product owner, I want the WIMMA Lab / IoTitude branding changed to development team's and JAMK's branding. Done

Link to our demo

What should be tested?

We would like to get any kind of feedback regarding the current status of the website, icons and colours. So we can further improve the service.

About our techinal implementation and focus areas

Our main focus area has been to improve the overall usability of the service, as it is now the service is quite simple and raw, and we want to make it usable for everyone.

Our team

Name Task
Timi Lång Team Leader
Joonas Pölkki Developement Engineer
Kalle Lahtinen Security Engineer
Jukka Välikangas Operations Engineer
Eetu Savolainen Test Engineer
Otso Lehtiniemi Generalist

Feedback form

We would greatly appreciate if you took the time to answer a couple questions regarding the demo and service as a whole!